Thursday, July 14, 2011

Treasure Finds : Bali

So .. i went to Bali for a business survey trip ..
I manage to find some alone time and went through the hill of Ubud where i found these finds of handcrafted items ..
Here are some of the items that i managed to take some quick shots of ..
Just a few small ideas for more decors and events ..
My personal favourite are the rattan basket and birdcages in distressed white-wash ..
The mosaic bowls and plates are also a gorgeous accessory for the tables - a great Pop-of-Colour!
Which are yours? Any ideas as to what you would do with the items above?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Words

First Words .
First words are mellifluously confusing especially for a come back .
Its been a quite a time off .. and when i come to realize its been a soft surprise as its been almost one full year since my last blog entry .
Never the less, i needed that time off ..
As they say, "life is tough" and for me, that was what i went through and still getting through it .
A "rough" patch .
But as hard as it may be you just have to keep on BELIEVING ..and HOPING for the days ahead that will slowly shape your future .
God does not give challenges or problems that are bigger than our ability and strength .. and once we pass through it, we will only get stronger and wiser .
Being STRONG : its not much about physical strength but more of the power of your mind, mental control and slowly getting through it as a whole...and as a better person than the person that first entered the problem .
So ...apart from a special word from the lovely Audrey Hepburn .. i come back with 3 simple yet profound words : BELIEVE, HOPE and STRENGTH .